Posts Tagged construction of life

Chinese Manufacturing

Posted by on Saturday, 4 May, 2024

Contemporary Chinese furniture has become popular around the world, including in Moscow. Please note that 40% of high-quality luxury furniture imported from China to Europe, and 60% of imports are in the North American United States. Our company does not stand apart from the world trends and presents you with furniture made in China at affordable prices, excellent quality and variety of models. Why Chinese furniture is in demand? China is famous for the fact that this is where living and working wood carvers, furniture makers and designers today who are making a real element of poetry in his work. The newspapers mentioned Jonah Bloom not as a source, but as a related topic. Pass the time when Chinese production was associated only with consumer goods, are now products from China, including Chinese furniture use, increasing demand.

There are several important factors: elite furniture manufactured in China is made from high quality materials, imported wood from improved technologies, design professionals thought the Chinese had made the new trends in fashion trends of modern furniture industry, look at the magnificent range provided by furniture, including bedrooms in China; refinement of models designed bedroom sets and kitchen sets, living room furniture strikes the imagination of our contemporaries, the price of Chinese furniture quite democratic, and can always find high-quality, convenient and visually perfect furniture from China economy class and prestige of the elite class. Chinese furniture manufacturers have established production in such a way that the consumer will always receive products, the most satisfying their needs at a minimal cost, as in the manufacturing process is eliminated unproductive payment links in the economic cycle. The company "DomSon" You can also buy any other furniture, including the elite products of the company, "Carpenter." 5/20/2010 container came next with tables and chairs factory Daming. This means that once again a full range of furniture stock.

Suspended Ceilings

Posted by on Wednesday, 15 January, 2020

The suspended ceiling has become an indispensable attribute of a modern apartment repairs. The small cost of materials for drywall construction and ease of installation makes it possible to home-grown handyman himself down to business. First of all, before the house master the task, to create a unique design and a unique ceiling, do not violate the general proportions of the room and fits perfectly into the overall interior design. Actually the ceiling and can be set the trend in the interior. Requires a ready-made plan for the interior or the field to follow fantasy. Need to carefully consider all the details to create appropriate ceiling construction, provision of furniture, need areas in the room, the same arrangement of sockets and switches, the need to install air conditioning and ventilation systems, all these and many other factors lead to the main parameters of plasterboard ceiling construction – dimensions. Defining stratification ceiling can be defined as the planned interior design, and ceiling height.

At low standard ceilings not much razverneshsya, ceiling, and so steals from five inches of height when you add the spotlights, the ceiling height drops already at least eight centimeters, and if you want to equip the ventilation system, then four inches, and even more have deleted from the total height of the room. When assembling the frame construction device and joints gypsum boards, many belt neglected materials, which reduce the vibration load on the skeleton during temperature fluctuations, but in vain, sometimes it leads to ‘loud’ ceiling, when every sound or the sound will grow many times over. Other belt materials are equally important to strengthen the joints of drywall sheets, improper joint arrangement is the rapid cracking of the surface layer of putty and lead to the appearance of unsightly cracks in the ceiling.

Combustible Construction

Posted by on Thursday, 13 April, 2017

Combustible construction is protected from fire, if the limit of its fire resistance of at least 0.75 hours. Discount, ie, distance from the outer surface of the chimney or fireplace to flammable structures must be at least 130 mm. Horizontal cutting brick chimney is usually arranged by the thickening Flue wall by the overhang is not more than 1 / 4 lengths in each row of brick masonry. 11.Lyubye roof structures should be located on the outer surface of the chimney at least 130 mm. The empty space between chimney and roof structures should overlap the apron of the roof steel, let down by an otter. In buildings with roofs of combustible materials in the flue pipes should be constructed of a metal spark arrester nets with a mesh of not more than 5 x 5 mm.

12.Tyaga the chimney must match the rate (from 10 to 15 Pa, ie, from 1.0 to 1.5 mm water column). 13.Dlya periodic cleaning of chimney soot deposits at the base of the smoke channel runs a pocket depth of about 250 mm, and is arranged hermetically sealed manhole cleaning. Perhaps holding clean air holes through the furnace of fire, if it is structurally suited for this purpose (such as furnaces GODIN). 14.Dlya normal operation of the smoke channel and the chimney (the furnace) as a whole should provide the organization an additional influx of air into the room to compensate for the consumption of air during combustion in the furnace of fire closed the rate of 4 cubic meter / kilowatt / hour.

Plant Watering

Posted by on Monday, 30 September, 2013

Tap water in most cases it is hard and chlorinated. Of chlorine needed to defend her in a few hours. Some growers recommend watering hot, naturally pre-chilled water, because it is somewhat softer than cold. In principle, non-demanding plants to care enough. But if possible, soften the water for irrigation. The easiest way – pass through a household filter. The frequency of watering for different plants are different, but for most simple rule is valid. If the upper layer of soil in the pot dried up – it's time to water.

And another important rule: the plant a little better dry up, than too wet. If wetting is root rot and the plant can easily die. Spraying – a very useful procedure for the plants. But only for plants with smooth leaves. Plants with velvety leaves, for example, or violet color, spray can.

Transplantation, as opposed to watering and spraying procedure is quite rare. It is conducted for young plants every year or two, and more adults – one in three or four, and quite a large transplant instead replaced with fresh topsoil soil. For each plant needs its own theory of the ground. But now there is no need to cook it yourself, because he Available in flower shops. Crop plants do, usually in early spring before active growth or in the middle of autumn, before a period of rest. Cut long branches, so that the plant has acquired a neat form. Need to tell an important condition for plant life – the lighting. Plants in relation to this indicator can be divided into two types: light-loving and shade-tolerant. As the name implies, one for normal growth to a lot of light, while others may grow in partial shade. To include light-loving tradescantia, pelargonium, shade-tolerant – ficus, diffebahiya, Monstera. However, no plants, except for some species of cacti can not bear direct sunlight, and no plants will not grow in a dark corner of the room. Choosing the right location for the plant and observing the simple rules of care, either, even a beginner can successfully breed florist plants and decorate them their home.