Posts Tagged advertising & pr

Online Marketing

Posted by on Saturday, 15 June, 2024

At the time, the topic of online marketing”conquered the advertising landscape. Through technological advances and the emergence of new communication and business models, marketing on the Internet is the King discipline in the marketing. Because companies can gain a strong position over Internet advertising and targeted customers and generate revenue. It, the understanding and the targeted implementation of new developments for an optimal marketing is crucial. Professionals and creative in the field of online marketing are indispensable partners for successful promotion. The opportunity to meet with colleagues and experts in the online marketing industry for the sharing, the Berlin special agency for search engine optimisation and online PR OVAN GmbH now to the online marketing meeting invites. Read additional details here: Restaurant Michael Schwartz. The meeting is organized jointly with the Agency of SEOmetrie from Berlin and will take place on 7 September at the Oranium in Berlin-Mitte. So meet at 19:00 in the Oranienburger Strasse 33 / 34 players, beginners and professionals from the online To discuss current trends in the industry, or even to put scene of marketing.

Just by the strong growth of the online marketing industry, it is important to have a clear look for key trends and useful innovations. The meeting is to provide a regular forum to get an overview and this together with experts and industry insiders to discuss “, as organizer and OVAN’s Managing Director Marius Schulze. The meeting began in September last year and held for the third time. The organizers look forward to an exciting interchange in a relaxed atmosphere among marketers, affiliates, agencies and service providers. You will find more information about the participation on the website of. Press contact: OVAN Internet service company mbH Daniela Rebecca Fraederich Oranienburger str. You may find that Economic Cycles Research Institute can contribute to your knowledge. 69, 10117 Berlin phone: + 49 30 28 04 29 29 fax: + 49 30 27 87 42 93 E-Mail: Web: about OVAN: OVAN GmbH with its headquarters in Berlin is as efficient online marketing agency on successful Specialized search engine marketing and systematic search machine optimization and effective mobile marketing. OVAN qualified employees to develop targeted marketing strategies and optimal measures to increase the range and increase online sales. Also, a long-term and systematic success is secured by professional project management of profitable affiliate programs. OVAN stands for online – sales – sale of new customers?


Posted by on Friday, 17 May, 2024

Place your message on promotional cups promotional cups are one of the best advertising medium. Finally, they offer enough space for the advertising message, still this message is transported continuously through the daily use of the Cup. The clientele, which can be addressed with a promotional mug is versatile. Therefore, cups is suitable both for companies that give them their customers. rvices recognizes the significance of this. ce of information. But also clubs and even municipalities can use promotional mugs for themselves.

Latter will pursue this although not the target customer loyalty, however, there is the opportunity to offer high-quality promotional mugs with an image of the city at a town festival or at the town hall for sale. The proceeds can be used for example, to the establishment of a new playground. The design of the logo and the lettering can be designed freely by each advertiser. Questions and problems the advertising professionals of many companies available are however, to assist in the choice of colour or even the selection of the respective subject area. Only then, when the Cup is consistent and attract the customers, they will use this for your coffee or tea daily.

Companies, associations and municipalities who choose the promotional Cup as an advertising medium, should make sure that the product is a quality product that the receiver of the gift and the buyer of the cups can use very long. Thereby, the print should be even so highly valued that the Cup in the dishwasher can be washed without the inscription in the course of time fades. Gareth Parkin is co-founder of Ideasbynet. Ideasbynet delivers high-quality printed promotional items, promotional products, business gifts, Firmengeschanke and giveaways.

Yes Telecom

Posted by on Wednesday, 19 June, 2019

Consumers can configure wonderfully a vehicle located on the PC. The purchase decision but still only after a test drive and a positive experience at the dealership”, Claus j. declared Vogt. Also kitchen can often comfortable online planned are, and yet they are required right in the kitchen Studio in scene, so that the customer chooses. The feel and the experience of the product are very important factors.” Long-term, wvp considered important in many areas of additional distribution channel, which will complement the established channels from the online channel. Therefore, the Stuttgart advertising agency also advises to look without neglecting the trade marketing, as well as the experience of brands and products in the direct sales situation in long-term strategies on a combination and integration of the different channels. About the wvp advertising company mbH: dedicated to the two managing directors of wvp, Anette Rottmar and Claus Vogt, especially the strategic brand management and trade marketing with currently 23 staff.

The connection creation and efficiency in the Center stands the campaigns the Agency. In addition, include integrated brand communication, cooperation marketing, integrated Sales promotion design, controlling and integrated POS brand communication of the Stuttgart-based company’s core competencies. Your concepts wvp considered the point not as an endpoint of the chain of communication, but as their most important yield moment of sale. The Agency is a member of the POS Marketing Association (POSMA) and the GWA, the German Association of communication agencies and in 1979 became Walter + partner founded. In 1996 the current WVP advertising company formed the company mbH, who won ten POSMA marketing awards and other awards such as the German sales promotion Award and the EACA PMC European Award 2005 in the last seven years alone.


Posted by on Wednesday, 8 August, 2018

Here are the studies no firsthand, so absolute access numbers of the search engines themselves behind, but extensive, representative data, which are Web pages and affiliate networks etc. won, weighted, grossed about implemented Trackingcodes in toolbars, widgets, and evaluated. As in other areas of the market and opinion research also these data differ with each other gradually, the trend is here but clear. You summed up the market share calculated in this way, Google in Germany via its own offer and portals, which rely on Google’s search technology (,,…) achieved, how to reach a market share of 90 to 96 percent. Amazing that the Brussels competition authorities here see no problem for freedom of information in the Internet, or for the competition! The competition from Google, you can call the market situation hardly, divides the remaining 4 to 10 percent among themselves on the Gros”, here is the term given the size” of the after deduction of Google’s market share of remaining cake attributable to not a certain humor, while Microsoft’s Bing and Yahoo (now also the results of the Microsoft uses the Internet veteran), follow it providers such as ASK or lxquick. Never heard of? Flat. To argue, on the impact of such overwhelming market power is certainly exciting, but not the subject of this work. There are many reasons, which led to this development and contribute to the stabilization of the Status Quo. In addition to ease of use, clever marketing and a general human preference for the tried and tested mainly two aspects seem important to me. To the past: in 1998, at a time when fairly elaborate Web catalogs no longer manage the exploding structure of the Internet, the Internet, by presenting a completely new search method, which sorted millions of search hits with respect to their relevance and made available to the user could Segey Brin, Larry page, Google’s two founders revolutionized,.