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This entry was posted by on Saturday, 20 April, 2024 at

In the passed month, in the city of Copenhagen (Denmark), it occurred the Cop15, Conference of the ONU on the Climatic Changes. Lauder follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The conclusion of that the great meeting did not get resulted forts was unanimous for diverse involved specialists who had folloied of close the negotiations. Holdings. To only cite a case, the presidents of important nations as U.S.A. and Brazil, they had arrived no longer final of the round of debates. This delay allowed that many colloquies were not carried through seriously.

The result of Cop 15 sufficiently remembered the case of Kyoto, in which promises had been made that until had today not been fulfilled. In Copenhagen they want to impose impossible tasks. In this case nobody goes to sign the papelada one of quotas of emissions. The problem in general seems not alone to be of governing and authorities. We perceive in day-by-day as not yet we are involved in the ambient question. The Brazilian media exactly contributes for the lack of stimulaton to the support. We almost do not see notice on global heating and its consequncias in periodicals.

What to play outside, that is, we think that everything what we consume and does not have more use can be discarded not leaving no resqucio. The truth, however is another one and everything needs to have a final destination, in which it must be treated ecologically not to leave harmful vestiges in this way where we inhabit. The ecosystem as inexhaustible for the technologies has a urgent necessity not to treat more. The environment is not neutral for the linear economic system produce-consume-to discard, beyond that it is possible yes to have certain social improvements independent of the economic growth.>

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