General Advertising Act (LGP)

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 22 December, 2009 at

According to the General Law on Advertising is any form of communication made by a person or entity, public or private (in the exercise of a trade, business, craft or profession) to to promote a direct or indirect procurement of services, movable or immovable property, rights and obligaciones.Es a scientific discipline whose goal is to persuade the public or target with a marketing message that this makes the decision to buy a product or service . Difference between propaganda and advertising. Advertising tends to commercial gain, while the propaganda tends to the propagation of ideas and gives them political, philosophical, moral, social and religious ie ideological communication. Public: It is a collective term used to denote a set and people closely related to each other, by interests, age, social class, affinities and trends which are common. The public might be real or potential: Real Publico: The public is consuming a product. It must achieve that is faithful to the product, giving what you want to get and improving the characteristics of the same. Potential audience: It is the prospective buyer. Entudio market: This led to the recognition of the public pontecial Niche market: A market segment in which there is an unmet need. Disciplines that are used in advertising: 1-Psychology 2-Sociology 3-Social Communication 4-Economics 5-Statistics 6-Anthropology 7-Semiologia 8-Social Science communication 9-Public Relations 10-Journalism

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