Christopher Columbus

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History XX Main article: History of the British Virgin Islands were originally inhabited by Arawak Indians from South America around 100 BC C. They were the only inhabitants of the archipelago until the fifteenth century when they had to flee the more aggressive Caribs-tribe originating from South America that spanned the Lesser Antilles, and whose name gave rise to the Caribbean Sea. In 1493, the islands were sighted and named by Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Americas. The Spanish Empire acquired the islands in the early sixteenth century, mainly used to extract the copper on Virgin Gorda. The Dutchmen made a permanent settlement on the island of Tortola in 1648. In 1672, the British arrived in the region and annexed the archipelago, expelling the population of Tortola Holland that year, and from Anegada and Virgin Gorda in 1680.The British introduced sugar cane in the islands, which became the main crop and source of income for foreign trade. Slaves were brought from Africa to work the sugar cane plantations. The islands prospered economically until the growth in sugar beet crop in Europe and the United States, where sugar cane production was considerably reduced. Englishmen, Dutchmen, French, Spanish and Danes took control of the archipelago during the next two hundred years, in the end the Dutch were expelled and finally recapture the UK Virgin Gorda and Dominica Tortola. At the end of the seventeenth century England had Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Anegada and other islands that now make up the British Virgin Islands, and Denmark had the rest of the Virgins (Saint John, St. Thomas and St. Croix). The II.VV.BB. were more strategic for the British, but was planted when economic conditions were particularly favorable.In 1917, the United States purchased St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix to the Danes for seventeen million dollars, renowned for “Virgin Islands of the United States” ( “United States Virgin Islands). Subsequently, the British renamed the islands they control as “BVI”. Roadtown, Tortola, British Virgin Islands were administered by various agencies as part of the Colony of the Leeward Islands and also in St. Kitts and Nevis, with an administrator who represents the British Government in the archipelago. Separate colony status was achieved in 1960 and became autonomous in 1967. Since the 1960s, the islands have diversified the economy away from traditional agriculture towards tourism and financial services, becoming one of the richest areas in the Caribbean.

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