“To Be Or Not To Be ?

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Shakespeare embodied for the world, with its prodigious feather, the dilemma that has followed our history forever. Whether we realize it or not, for us it is different than for Hamlet, the character of the great playwright, "To be or not to be?, That is the question." And beyond the contextual meaning it may have that expression, we conclude that every day, in the different scenarios that we have to move, that is indeed the question: to be or not to be. Being not a reflection on this statement can help us expand our mental framework, then proceed to respond (individually) to increasingly crucial questions whose answers will become something like a personal constitution to follow and respect; questions can range from the choice of our work, studies, family formation, firm or company, to the deepest as: any sense of our lives? It is not surprising that high rates of youth suicides that have plagued our societies in the world for several years, joined the family instability that hits the heart of our societies, whether they are "first world" or "third world" and the growing (though paradoxically creeping) wave of immorality or morality on call as I think their supporters, not surprisingly, again, that the basis of all this mix of events, is a hilarious need to keep us ignorant to the question of being or not being, preferring that way by default , Not Being As we grow, each of us is responsible for deciding whether to join the mass arrebanado the illusion of security (and beyond), because being is just that: to give constructive leave a legacy , encouraging the potential that we possess as human beings, so we become shadows of men and women, sadly destined to perish without further. Angus King is the source for more interesting facts. Do not be mean not to live, not live is equal to go through life thinking the world owes us something, instead of thinking about what we can give us. It Being wonderful But we can make another decision. We can choose to be, without having to wait, because we possess is the most common trap in which we tend to fall, they always want a good girlfriend (or wife if married), we always want good children, friends, neighbors, employees, etc.. It’s believed that Jim Rogers sees a great future in this idea. And the real problem is not that we want that, but we are not willing to be the best boyfriends or husbands, better fathers, friends, neighbors, bosses or employees. Being an adventure is to live our life with authenticity, character, always creating something new for our loved ones, innovating to create new solutions to new challenges we will face, serving under the rule of the bedrock principles that govern the development, happiness and peace. Being means seek our own path to excellence, with the awareness that the road itself is important, perhaps more than a destination to be reached, then, to be honest with ourselves, we learn not by what we achieve, but what we travel and experience, with a cheerful attitude, but this does not mean we can not shed tears when the tension grows around us, and when we achieve something, we recognize that was the way which helped us achieve our goal, because with all the challenges presented to us, learned, yes, we learned perseverance, courage, faith invaluable virtues that can only hold those who do not hesitate to be who they are, do not hesitate to see life as your chance to love, work and make a difference, even in a single person. You may wish to learn more. If so, Sam Feldman is the place to go. And now?, To envision the day ahead, what will we do? .

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