The Action

This entry was posted by on Friday, 16 November, 2012 at

Of the point of view of the necessity, the man a time sequertem the possibility to change its destination that its action is much more determinadapor a sum infindo of contingent causes of what for the intentions doagente; of the point of view of the freedom, however, it has one I appeal to the outraapreciao that it evidences in the man and its to act, an element that to podeindeterminar everything what it is rationally previsible (previsible according to rules), in way then that the scienter creative gift in individual acting, seu' ' free-arbtrio' ' capacity and choice, configures a picture of indeterminaocausal for the human and cultural phenomena. Such problems are freqentementeretomados in the metodolgicos texts of Weber and, here, better to delineate seuposicionamento, will make a comparison with two distinct ways of if to have porcritrio the value of some intentional decision when the umadeterminada action is mentioned. The presentation of these colon of sight it has two objetivosbsicos: the first one is to emphasize and to present as the meaning creative dasaes human beings generate a complex problem for the philosophy of History, qualseja, if such meaning creative would have of if basically opposing causalidade that is for backwards of devir of the nature. As the objective one is to situarWeber enters two distinct trends clearly: it stops with this showing to queWeber is not a pure racionalista and that its ideas answer to the calls ' ' tendnciasirracionalistas' ' of the history of thought of the ideas. Thus, I must consider two correntestericas of the action that I divide here, I repeat, according to criterion that ponders sobreo value of the imputed causal attribution to a decision that if relates the umadeterminada action. The first one of them has Discardings as representative typical, whose theory, as we will see, when attributing the quality of imediaticidade aopensamento, attributed one sub-repticiamente exaggerated causal weight to the decision queacompanha the action; to another chain, in turn, it has typical comorepresentante Schopenhauer: when separating the sphere of the intellect of the sphere of the will, to esubordinar the first one to second, opened a new source of investigation for ateoria of the action.

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