Thank Heptica

This entry was posted by on Friday, 29 June, 2012 at

ASSISTANCE OF NURSING TO THE CARRYING PATIENT OF ALCOHOLIC CIRRHOSIS HEPTICA. GRATEFULNESS I first thank the God, who gave daily force to me to support the difficulties in elapsing of this work. I am thankful my parents, Avair Menezes de Souza and Elenilda Teixeira Lopes had never stimulated who me to give up. I am thankful my brother, Rodrigo Lopes de Souza who trusted me. I am thankful my friends, who me had helped in elapsing of this work Thank my metodolgico person who orientates Eduardo Genaro Escalete Lay, directed who me in elapsing of this work. To all mine Thanks a lot! Our business in the life is not to exceed the others, but to exceed we ourselves? to break our proper records, to surpass ours through ours yesterday today. (Stewart B.

Johnson) SUMMARY the alcoholic heptica cirrhosis is a chronic pathology of the liver, characterized, histologicamente, for the presence of fibrose and diffuse formations nodulares with important disorganization of the architecture to lobular and vascular of the agency. One bigger number two times of men is affected in relation the women, even so these is in bigger risk to develop induced heptica illness for alcohol. The cirrhotic patients are between 40 and 60 years of age. In the state of So Paulo, the illnesses of the liver are the second cause of death between men of 35 the 59 years, being that, 10% of the death cases are due to alcoholic heptica cirrhosis. This work had as objective to ahead approach the assistance of nursing of the patient with alcoholic heptica cirrhosis and this objective was reached through a bibliographical research of descriptive method, that was carried through through research published in dissertaes, articles published in scientific magazines, articles published in the Internet and by means of the bibliographical quantities of last the ten years. It is concluded with this work to sensetize and to acquire knowledge the nursing team, on the importance of the cares of nursing to the patient with alcoholic heptica cirrhosis, searching an improvement in its attendance.

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