Samoyeds Western Siberia

This entry was posted by on Saturday, 30 July, 2016 at

We are here dealing with a separate but interdependent ideas. On the one hand, the shaman, banging a tambourine, flies to the Cosmic Tree, and soon we shall see (see below) that are relevant to the tambourine many symbols of ascension into heaven. On the other hand, due to its mythical connections with the 'busy' skin drum, the shaman can split nature teriomorficheskogo ancestor, in other words, he can overcome time and again enter into a primary state, which they say myths. As in the first and the second case we are dealing with a mystical experience, opening shaman possibility of transcendence of time and space. Transformation in the animal ancestor, as well as ecstasy during the ascension into heaven are different, but quantifiable expressions of the same experience – transcending the ordinary, the profane status and regained 'paradise' of existence, lost at the end of mythical times. The tambourine is usually oval, the skin of his deer, elk or a horse. In Ostyaks and Samoyeds Western Siberia on the outer surface of a drum there is no pattern. According to George, on the skin of the Tungus tambourines depicted birds, snakes and other animals. Shirokogorov follows describes the drawings that he had seen on tambourines Transbaikalia Tungus: Symbol solid ground (as the shaman uses his drum as a boat to cross the sea, it means it mainland – the coast), and several anthropomorphic groups with right and left hand, and many animals. The center diamond is no image, drawn there eight double lines symbolize the eight pillars sustain land over the sea.

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