Presidency Budgetary

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 25 April, 2024 at

Also it will reduce from 35 to 30 the provincial delegations. It will suppress three institutions: the Dnsor of the Town, the Regional Commission of Competition and the Economic and Social Council. Corp. sees a great future in this idea. His Government will operate under a ceiling of cost and indebtedness that will fix Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha. The elect president of Castilla-La Mancha, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, has announced in Debate de Investidura an important cut for the Community. Among others measures, will eliminate more of 50% of the high positions and will reduce from 35 to 30 the provincial delegations. In its speech, trim in the austerity, Cospedal has indicated that there will be a single delegate in each province (instead of that they represented each council of the Government), and will reduce to 30 the 52 chiefs of a main directorate whom there are at present. Also it will suppress three institutions: the Dnsor of the Town, the Regional Commission of Competition and the Economic and Social Council.

The elect president has announced that his Government will operate under a cost ceiling and indebtedness that Cortes will determine annually of Castilla-La Mancha. Also it has informed into the privatization that will undergo the autonomic public channel of television. Cospedal, that has reviewed forward edge of its Government, is outstanding that the budgetary stability is the first foundation of the economic growth and also, it has indicated, it is the first foundation of the quality of the services public. Budgetary office of control In addition, will verify the reality of the estimation of the income of the budget, it will analyze the degree of budgetary cover of the obligations anticipated for this year 2011, and will make a map of all the framework of organisms, public companies or foundations. In this sense, it has advanced that the budgetary management will be controlled by a budgetary office of control that will depend directly on the Presidency of the Government.

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