Pizza And Pasta By Eismann – As The Italians

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 30 May, 2024 at

Dolce Vita with eismann – with the tasty menu choices from the pizza & pasta range la dolce vita! Delicious Italian food on the table and original Italian feeling comes up with Iceman. Pasta and pizza in all variations are waiting for in the frozen food shop of Iceman connoisseurs who want to fully enjoy the taste of the sweet life. The crispy pizzas from Iceman present pizza – the classic from the oven fresh out of the oven. Rich topped with peppers, tomatoes, cheese with and without salami or ham, tastes simply belissima”a pizza of ecstasy with each ground. Highly recommended peckish between meals, are the finely occupied mini pizzas Piccini salami, the mini pizzas are small, but very nice powerful. Pasta of ecstasy as homemade! The pasta such as when the Italians succeed with eismann.

The La Cucina di Padre are Francesco”more than simple noodles. Because, for example, with a dash of olive oil, refined, breathe a breath of the delicious Fusilli, Penne or spaghetti of every meal Mediterranean New life. And in the Virgin olive oil extra eismann lovers find the perfect companion for your pasta dish. Because traditionally cold-pressed, the Iceman offers the mild spicy taste of best olive olive oil. Wine, who seduced to enjoy original Italian menu is a powerful Italian wine. In the dry range of eismann frozen Heimservice GmbH d’Avola Sicilia can be found in the Nero d AMICO IGT Bell ‘ a classic red wine that, if pizza and pasta for dinner meet, should not be missing. Because he is a Don in the wine and hard-to-resist Juan.

Its fruity intense aroma of red berries with fine spicy touch, seducing every Italy fan in spirited Italian way. Typical Italian ice from ice-cream-man Italy is famous for its ice cream. Fine Italian ice cream by eismann, completes an Italian pasta or pizza menu. The spaghetti ice cream by ice-cream man is a popular ice cream dessert just for the little ones. The fruity Strawberry Raspberry fruit preparations with vanilla ice-cream and white Shavings, remains faithful to the Italian line and is a dream come true, Latin. Great connoisseurs enjoy the Amarena ice cream-cups by eismann, diffused also at home unbeatable Italian ice cream parlors flair with its delicious fruity aromatic Amarena cherry sauce. More Italian gourmet cuisine is there in the ice-cream man shop on. Here, the delicious menu suggestions can be online or order by phone and conveniently deliver home. Contact information: eismann frozen Home Service GmbH Seibelstrasse 36 D-40822 E-Mail: Web: about Ecstasy: the Iceman is frozen Home Service GmbH since its inception in 1974 for quality and absolute customer service. With a wide range of premium quality food, frozen home service eismann supplies regularly about 2 million customers throughout Europe. Delivery by appointment in the personal Home delivery service through an ice-cream man on the spot. A regularly-updated catalog available can be selected from the rich assortment is the customers. In addition to the regular visits of the Iceman can also conveniently by telephone on 01805 23 11 22 or be ordered on the Internet at Headquarters of the premium service provider is Mettmann.

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