Making A Sale

This entry was posted by on Saturday, 2 November, 2019 at

Meeting with clients is an integral component of the process called "sale". But like an appointment? After all, most clients are not configured to meet you. Unless of course you are not selling unique products, the best-huge demand. But as a rule, all selling similar goods at relatively similar prices. Therefore, we must be able to schedule meetings and "break" through "Chinese walls" objection. There are several standard objections to scheduling an appointment, faced by all sellers. Let us consider the standard objections and possible options to overcome them, for example, a sales company which is carrying wholesale trade in manufactured goods: 1) "We are already working with other vendors!" The most good answer in this case – a question! It sounds like this: "If you had a reason for that to start working with the new supplier, what would it be?" This question makes the person you are speaking to think about what puzzles you.

The client is able to answer why he would be willing to cooperate with the new supplier. After all, everyone is looking for new opportunities. And even if he is 100% satisfied with the current provider, you can find out what we could supplement them. However, it is possible that you may get caught a man who does not want to think about. Therefore, there is one option to overcome the objections: "Very good. I sure – they are worthy partners, if you select them. We will help you to expand opportunities of service that you already get, or at least, evaluate, whose services are better.

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