AS changes the mind of a leader of action EL as if not anyone can be a leader of action, success is linked to being a leader with great values, but if you can learn to be a leader of action with a big decision. If you’ve had fear or discomfort of getting something new, it is because you have beliefs that prevent you to do so. You can change it. Michael Schwartz is full of insight into the issues. Here I give you a formula. Begins with identifying which beliefs stop you and what you drive. I am sure that you have goals that you’ve tried to get them more than once, without success. Every person concerned and intelligent, has this quality of search for new things to enjoy. capital. If you think back to these goals at this time and feel afraid to try again.
Perhaps you say, do you try again, or to find again the failure? Which indicates a belief of impotence and not worth enough. Your beliefs are thoughts that give you feelings, also contain mental pictures of past experiences, your own voice and noisy surroundings, your own voice saying negative phrases, this is why you must understand this process of change, beliefs are mostly unconscious. The next point is very important to remove any limiting beliefs. I want you to imagine the goal or what you want to achieve as if it happened already, as if you had already done it. How is Yes, a skill of the great dreamers but have the ability to get into action and turn them into reality. Yes, imagine how manages to make changes in the internal images, and what you consider as possible to you how you want to be the future things. It is as if you receive the results in advance. So now you know, when you have the view in your mind images of failure, it would suffice to imagine the future as if already had done it successfully undergoes something simple, if you have an income of a figure that does not like you, change it to a satisfactory figure in your mind, write it $_ noted the figure in the favorite color, and feel the amount of money in your hands desired.