Harris Tweed Fabric – Again In Fashion And Popular Than Ever

This entry was posted by on Monday, 27 May, 2024 at

The Hrris has placed the reputation of old-fashioned substance, Tweed long. Since the Harris Tweed fabric, in the 1980s, rather on the rear Bank of the substances was slipped, he’s back in the slow but sure. Statistics show that in the year 2010 whole 630,000 meters of fabric sold, compared with the 450 000 meters in the previous year. Especially in countries like Germany and Japan, the demand is constantly rising. What has spurred this new trend, moreover one can only speculate.

It’s Madonna, which is a recently created Harris Tweed outfit? Or it’s Banana Republic, Topman and Saville row, the various versions of the classic Tweed suit, hanging out in their shops have? Or it may be the new Tweed suits that are worn by the Prince of Wales? What is the reason, the recovery of a luxurious fabric. The Harris Tweed fabric is only in the Hebrides, Scotland, produced. There he is woven in a complex procedure, by hand, in the huts of the Weaver. The inspiration for the colors of the Substance alone comes from the beautiful landscape diversity, Scotland. Even in this time of recession, the weavers are optimistic. You had experienced difficult years but this new boom, gives hope to many. The Harris Tweed fabric industry, says a healthy future ahead, what moves many weavers to become young newcomers to the craft of weaving Tweed long to continue this tradition. The image of the classic Tweed fabric, improved from year to year.

He has once again become a status symbol. The one who wears it, embodies pure style and class. It is someone who knows very well in the world of fashion and quality, and is not ready to be easily satisfied. You on this magical substance should be interested in, visit my Harris Tweed shop where you click on this link: Julia Phelps

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