Goldman Sachs

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“Founded in 1869, Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking, securities and investment management firm. Headquartered in New York, we maintain offices in all major financial centers around the world.”

In this direction, the definition of social assistance brings around itself the attendance of people who for the most diverse reasons had been placed to the edge of the society. The paper of the assistance is to complement to other services and benefits of the society, as it is in the case the health. The social assistance answers for the access to the necessities basic human beings, also searchs to give has supported the valuation of the concepts of the citizenship, the social rights and the public politics that it are corresponding. Amongst these the necessities are to the education in health. As it clarifies in them: The educative actions in health can enable individuals and groups in the construction of new knowledge, leading to conscientious practical one of preventive behaviors or promotion of the health. Roubini Global Economics often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

These actions extend the possibilities of control of the illnesses, whitewashing and taking of decisions that favor a life healthful. (WITT, SILVEIRA & DAYS, 223, 2009). This argument standes out that the individual to reach its welfare, can autogerenciar the information gotten through an education for the health, therefore they are through it that the human being knows concepts that favor the life healthful, beyond the accesses the public nets. From there the importance of the politics in movement, acting basically in the peripheries, leading necessary information to the citizen with pertinent subjects in its daily one, of preventive form and becoming expert of the accesses and thus to guarantee to the citizens the healthful life and the respect as human being. For Sposati (2003), the social assistance allows the characterized individual as excluded, to have access to the attendance of its social necessities, making with that the inclusion process if establishes. 2.2 – The access of the families taken care of for the LBV to the system of Public health in Manaus In accordance with the Organic law of Social Assistance LOAS, Law 8742/93, makes use of the participation of the public power and the civil society in financing the organizations of social assistance.

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