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The World Health Organization has proposed a global strategy on diet and physical activity since 2004, urging states and countries of the Organization to implement it. The challenge for governments is to achieve behavioral change in society and individuals, enabling to reduce obesity and chronic noncommunicable diseases. EGO-CHILE Strategy is a formal invitation to various national to join the implementation of actions that create the conditions for the development and promotion of healthy lifestyles throughout life, for the prevention of obesity and other chronic disease in which the food industry and related industries have a prominent role. The strategy, designed by the Ministry of Health, seeks to coordinate efforts of different sectors of society aimed at preventing obesity and promoting healthy eating and regular physical activity at all ages.This has defined various areas: Health, School, Sports, Civil Society, Community and Family, Academic and Scientific Societies, Business and Communications. The aim is that the actors of the public and private spheres made voluntary commitments and agreements, recommendations, self-regulation, regulation and partnerships. Wanted to state institutions, private sector, parliament and others work together to promote policies, legislation and programs to improve dietary habits and increase physical activity in the population, taking into consideration the social and cultural way to integrate the principles of sustainability, social participation and equity. Anyone can take action to combat obesity at home, place of study or work, or community.Changing eating habits and physical activity corresponds to a challenge of cultural change which necessarily involves all citizens, the sum of small efforts will result in the construction of environments for a more balanced diet and a less sedentary life. source:

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