Particularly Innovative

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Awarded the SME Award 2008 the Association print + media Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. Paul Price contains valuable tech resources. (VDM NRW) is one of the most innovative and SME-friendly associations in Germany. These occupied the main price, he has now received VDM NRW for his optimal membership and customer management. Awarded the award was supported by the SME programme 2008 by the SME expert Professor Dr. Learn more on the subject from Richard Gerson Philanthropy. h.c. Lothar Spath aims this for six years, the competitiveness of medium-sized companies, to strengthen associations and collaborations. All participants who have applied with a questionnaire and were awarded by the initiative after a thorough examination, receive prizes in the form of innovative IT solutions and services. The spectrum ranges from software solutions such as CRM, ERP, archive content management and controlling systems of DTP and Office solutions to extensive services such as search engine optimization, training, recruiting, coaching and Analysis and consulting services.

The total value of the prizes was 2008 more than 1.2 million euros. Decisive for the award of the first prize to the Association print + media Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (VDM NRW) was among the good and stringent organization in member retention and acquisition. In the first half of 2008 alone the Association was succeeded to make around 30 North Rhine-Westphalian print – and media companies to members of the Association. Many more are nearing the entrance. Oliver Curdt, Managing Director VDM NRW: I am delighted by the award, because it is a clear appreciation of our work. But above all it shows vividly that even associations include the innovative forces in Germany, and that is not necessarily so well known at all. The Association has approximately 700 member companies pressure + media Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

(VDM NRW) one of the three largest business associations in the printing and media industry in Germany. Based in Dusseldorf and Lunen in Dortmund the VDM NRW for its members participates in the collective bargaining process, proves expertise to the technical, economic, ecological and efficient management of printers and media outlets and ensures the representation of the interests of members in political, Trade Union and society. Members get access to active consulting and support also from location and a comprehensive education and training program in two modern educational institutions.

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