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Capital raising on the financial markets of the title story in a major German business magazine issue (5) may / 2008 is ‘Financing bank’. The article describes that also the small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany get to feel the global financial crises. At many companies, the financing due to the battered banks were now threatened. KBS might disagree with that approach. The banks would require even higher interest-rate spreads and spreads so that the loans would be too expensive for the company. Some banks would now again withdraw their funding commitments. The article in Entrepreneur magazine shows alternative corporate financing without bank loans and gives an overview of the funding without the banks.

Financing are mostly a nuisance, because they require for conventional behaviors credit talks with the Bank and follow appropriate credit checks. The results of credit are always subject to credit and Rating and the competitive positioning of the Bank. Financing are without Bank on the over-the-counter markets, but also completely if they observed the rules of law and knows the access way. Who would like to learn directly about the financing bank, can do so at Dr. Werner financial services AG. For financing experts with many years of capital markets experience, the above-mentioned theme of finance without bank loans “Cover story” (i.e. core business) is for 27 years! The experts are pleased that the business magazine press their performance domain of independent financing for corporations and SMEs addressed now BBs.

Nomen est omen: see. The procurement of capital and bank-independent financing of the private financial and capital markets is possible and feasible for each companies of all sizes. Any regulatory approval to raise capital needed up to 20 lenders. Only at larger Capital, what, more than 20 private money lenders are required, must be carried a private placement (www.emissionsmarktplatz.de) a capital market issue about approved by the securities supervisory authority (BFin in Frankfurt / Main).

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