SES Conditioner

This entry was posted by on Monday, 19 February, 2018 at

Solution: In this case, you should check, whether the filters, closed the windows and doors do not work if additional room heating appliances (boilers, or toasters). It may be recommended to hang at the windows dense white shutters, well reflect the warmth and light, thus reducing teplopostupleniya through windows by half. If that does not work, the model must be replaced by more powerful. Problem 3: With the indoor unit split systems dripping water. Solution: Apparently, the clogged drainage pipe. Most often this condition occurs when the air conditioner with the on-street a drain pipe to include a cooling sub-zero temperatures. In this case, the condensate can transformed into an ice jam.

To avoid this, you need to warm up the drain pipe to +5 C by using a special cable. If the ice plug yet appeared, it's worth the wait thaw, but not to the point include a system for cooling. Problem 4: Reducing the air flow. Solution: Clean the air filter. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or wash it with a soft sponge and warm water.

Operate without air conditioning filter is not recommended because it protects not only your lungs, but the heat exchanger and the indoor unit. In the dust of the last performance of the air conditioner down. Problem 5: Icing external power when operating air conditioner for heating in a small freezing temperatures and high humidity. Solution: If the unit is not equipped with automatic defrosting, try to include it in the cooling mode. In this case, external power begins to give heat outside, and heated gradually thaws. Problem 6: Premature conditioner failure. Solution: To avoid this, do not operate it at temperatures below – 10-15 C. At lower temperature in the compressor oil thickens, and its depreciation multiplied. About the dangers of air conditioners go different rumors. But at the press center of the capital of SES, we were told that there is nothing to fear: the timely replacement of filters and in compliance with the rules of operation of any harm to a split-system is fraught with SEB

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