
This entry was posted by on Friday, 26 July, 2013 at

But new studies must be carried through in irrigated orchards. In the evaluations of the 408 bottles hunting-flies, a Anastrepha was evidenced spp in day 15/03/2004 in the strategies imidacloprid+ betacyflutrin and another one in the conventional treatment. The 192 yellow adhesive traps had captured only two fly-das-fruits, being first in day 25/05/2004 in the witness and second in day 22/06/2004 in the strategy fenpropathrin. This baixssima infestation of fly-das-fruits occurred due to the high number of sprayings for the control of the psildeo, mainly in the regional conventional treatment. The parcels witnesses had presented, in the generality, the biggest amounts of natural enemies, in the period where the insecticides had been applied. Among the natural enemies the abundance and frequency had been distinguished for: ) Scymnus spp.

(Coleopter: Coccinellidae). b) Sanguineous Cycloneda (Linnaeus, 1763) (Coleopter: Coccinellidae). c) Azya luteipes (Moulsant, 1850) (Coleopter: Coccinellidae). d) Crysoperla spp (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). e) Polybia spp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). f) Brachygastra spp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae).

These results resemble it joined for Barbosa et al (2003), that they had evidenced the presence of the coccineldeos C.sanguinea, connected Eriopis (Germar, 1824) (Coleopter: Coccinellidae) and Scymnus sp, crisopdeos, arachnids, sirfdeos, nabdeos and tacndeos in the goiabeiras northeast Brazilian. Also, Takemoto et al (1998) had verified that the low residual period of imidacloprid resulted in little adverse effect in the settling and the reproduction of the species of Orius spp. Thus, they had considered that imidacloprid can be compatible with MIP programs. The use of the insecticides acetamiprid and imidacloprid in MIP programs, in diverse cultures, corroborate the results found for Ishaaya et al (2001). The conventional strategy presented, in the generality, the lesser amount of collected natural enemies. The population densities of the natural enemies previously cited, had demonstrated association with the population density of the T.limbata in the witness, therefore they had presented significant simple linear correlations positive (r= 0,5462 significant).

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