
This entry was posted by on Thursday, 7 November, 2019 at

For an effective advertising campaign should take into account two major factors that influence the perception – the mentality and motivation. As already noted, the mentality of a people or nation can be classified in such four directions: 1. Unitarian mentality. 2. Mentality, which tends to be passive safety and provide the benefits of personal life. 3. Mentality, open-progress or risky ventures. 4.

Mentality, open to change. Study of the target audience in terms of mentality have greater predictive power, because that mentality is a factor of permanent and extended to large numbers of people. Only mentality can answer many questions about why one country advertising campaign was a great success, and in another – the same ads themselves only generates negative emotions. Mentality can change, but it requires considerable effort and a long time. Knowing the mentality of the people of the country, which will take place advertising campaign, we can envisage a possible reaction to this or that advertising appeal. For successful advertising campaign is also necessary to advertise the agency thoroughly investigated the behavioral motivation of the target audience, the motivation, which is closely connected with mentality. Knowing the information about the motives of the authors advertising appeal can enhance the intensity of positive motivation and reduce the effect of attitudes that hinder the purchase of the product. To develop an effective advertising appeal advertising agencies should clearly find out first of all to themselves, on what motives to celebrate, to get some effect from it.

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