Master Language

This entry was posted by on Friday, 9 August, 2013 at

The purpose of this stage – to learn more or less freely communicate on basic conversational topics. Meter goal – the presence of not more than 10% of unfamiliar words in the vocabulary to basic themes. The main tasks – to continue to listen to native speakers, develop basic communication skills, work on vocabulary and gradually move forward. Now that you’re accustomed to the language, must learn to communicate. Language no longer seems so strange and incomprehensible, and you can already see a certain percentage of that the carriers say in everyday conversation. At this stage for the study used a longer audio – 5 minutes or more, and listen to them should be less, but the aim now – do not just listen, and to work heard material, take out all the information vocabulary. In this case, the more words you learn, the easier it becomes to learn new words – information accrues, as if a snowball.

Material is desirable to select those topics which are more or less you close and clear. It is logical. After all, we teach the language to communicate later on it, hence, the language material should be based on the most relevant topics for us. In addition to listening materials, find someone who can develop spoken language, whether teacher or friend, a native speaker on the Internet. The third stage – the way forward.

Duration of the stage – from 180 hours of study endlessly. The purpose – to enjoy the language, gradually becoming a master in it, expand vocabulary, improve pronunciation, learn about the culture of the country where the language is spoken. This is the most fertile stage. You already understand everything, can nicely be expressed with the correct good intonation and pronunciation, are not afraid to talk to the media and could well live in the target language country. At this stage you start to easily listen to specialized programs, know how to write personal and business letters, and can even go to university and learn the target language. Beautiful stage, is not it? But here, according to Kaufman, the most important thing – do not stop there. After all, what is not developed – Gradually coming into disrepair. Continue to engage in language and achieve ever new heights! And to help you in this, my course “Universal Methods for improved foreign languages!”. The course provides detailed, step by step methods of learning the language – applying them, you’ll see the main stage described by Kaufmann, in action and learn a foreign language in stages, but effective! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign Languages: – Want to watch instructional videos to learn foreign languages? Come here – here you will find videos for learning several languages. Language blog – English. Sincerely, Sergey Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) ‘Generic methods improved foreign languages!

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