
This entry was posted by on Sunday, 23 July, 2017 at

Lenin sincerely believed that capitalism can not develop into imperialism. Detail and thoroughly investigated, monopoly capitalism, he even found five signs inherent imperialism. But the further course of history and economic development with ruthless cruelty denied virtually all Lenin's theory postulates about imperialism. In today's world one can hardly find even half of those characteristics of imperialism, as described in detail by Lenin. The hard limit of modern monopoly, produced by bureaucracies industrialized nations, almost destroyed imperialism as an economic phenomenon. Antitrust law to help companies successfully developed to combat this political and economic disorder. Today we are witnessing the destruction of the last capitalist empire – the United States, which is collapsing under the pressure of global economic crisis. However, despite these circumstances, a great merit of Lenin is the revelation of the most harmful for the world community essentially monopolies.

Lenin armed his contemporaries the knowledge with which society has been able to fight this economic condition. It is ironic, but it was the Socialists worked out a theoretical basis for the development of drugs for the survival and recovery of the capitalist mode of production. These developments relevant in today's time, when we see some countries still have not developed full immunity from the monopoly, and we see that there are some signs of it in those countries, as it metastasizes cover certain sectors of economic and political life. Unfortunately, Lenin was not introduced in the theoretical foundations of Marxist political economy fundamentally new knowledge. His works have not received any further development theory of value, neither the theory of surplus value, profits and capital.

But, even with significant weaknesses in theoretical terms, places, Marxist political economy for decades resisted the brutal criticism, and thrive. It is no secret that the attempts critics of Marxism, often had a definite political implications and political purpose. It is because of this politicization, the criticism has been aimed not on those aspects of Marxist theory, for which it should focus. The last global economic crisis that erupted in 2007 with the U.S. mortgage crisis, and had grown to a world level for the first time, called a new wave of interest in political economy in general, and Marxist theory in particular. In some countries, "Capital" Marx became a bestseller. It is now time to look at economic development in new ways. Against the background of the crisis, many scientists are already talking about the collapse of Western economics, that it is time to completely revise its postulates, which turned out to be false and not viable. "What can be called achievement of economic science, but its inability to predict and prevent crises, including the observed collapse of the credit system now? Why is this happening? "1 The French scientist Jean-Philippe Bouchaud also considers that all the problems of the free market began in the mid 50's and 60's, when the market is viewed not as an academic subject in need of careful study and description, but more as a propaganda machine in the fight against communism. Indeed, all methods of economic forecasting is largely based on Western theories, especially the so-favorite earlier by Western scholars of the theory of marginal utility, turned out to be nowhere fit, because in their based on knowingly false and very primitive scientific doctrine. It is the western economics and worked in its methods of economic forecasting can be put on a par with astrology, palmistry and alchemy. 1 Jean-Philippe Bouchaud. Economics needs a scientific revolution / / Nature. V. 455. P. 1181 (30 October 2008) Full view here

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