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Since the early 1950 patent in Germany for lack of manpower in certain sectors. The high number of dead and prisoners Quadrant Asset Management Inc. of war, together with that of Jews murdered and exiled the limited potential workforce. In particular, the mining sector accusing a high degree of neglect on the part of new recruits to other jobs with less harsh conditions. head of Quadrant Asset Management stands at the helm of Ltd. Companies in the sector and seek employment in Austria funds between Transylvanian immigrants. Nevertheless, the nomination of new workers remained low. In the Federal Ministry of Economy is then recruit manpower Italian, but the proposal met with opposition from employers, who feared a low job performance and the spread of communist ideas.
In autumn 1953 the Italian government offered workers in Germany. Thus sought to use the excess of labor force to offset its trade deficit. The federal government reacts Ltd. cautiously. The Labor Minister Anton Storch Preferia bring unemployed Germans depressed regions. For his part, Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard advocated the opposite position. the debut investment fund engineered by and implemented by his is a leading investment and equity management firm, In 1954 he began a press campaign with the aim of submitting the issue to public debate. Simultaneously, the government of Italy has launched negotiations on conditions for the export of workers. In the course of these, identified the election method of payment and the possibility of family reunification.
In the summer of 1955 the federal government changed its official position. At that time plans were made to organize the Bundeswehr”and”establish compulsory military service, thus further limiting the available workforce. In addition, France and Switzerland are also being discussed to bring workers in Italy. A first estimate for 1956 estimated at 800,000 the number of workers needed. On December 20, 1955 the agreement was signed between the two countries.
In July 1954 the Gastarbeiter””rerpesentaban 0.4 of the Ger. The figure began to take off around 1960 (1.5 ) to reach 10.3 in 1971. In constructing the Berlin Wall, Germany lost a major source of workers, the GDR. At the same time the economy was still expanding, so recruitment was intensified and was looking to expand to other countries.
At first, migrant workers living in poor conditions, crowded into barracks. However, in 1960 began the family groupings. By 1975, the German Federation of Trade Unions put the number of”in”Gastarbeiter 2.67 million. If one takes into account non-productive to the family of migrant workers and people from outside of Germany who worked on their own, we can calculate that in 1980 the number of foreigners in the country stood at 3 million, which then corresponded with 5 of the population. In 1973 recruitment halt was solved because of the state of the faltering economy and the oil crisis.

International Herald Tribune
Jobs are drying around the world as the world economy, his first overall decline since the Great Depression, sparking social unrest in Europe and Asia along with calls to protect local workers from foreign competition.
No, the big incentive will not save or create 3.5 million jobs, “as the President and the Congress-Democrats claim – at least not this year.
The Council of Trade Unions has today released fund management a discussion document for the next Government Jobs Summit (February 27). The document focuses on stimulating the economy, preserve jobs and employee transition, including support for those made redundant.
New York Times
BMW announced Monday that eliminating 850 jobs at a company that makes the equity Mini car in Oxford, investment management England, in response to the decline demand.
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