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Carmelo Lauria activity as prestigious Speaker Speaker and has been equally prolific and successful. Below are listed a series of major conferences:
Lectures: “The corporate governance as a Factor of Development”. II Congreso Venezolano de Executives. Caracas, III 1970. “Democratic nationalism”, Round Table, X 1 gaming of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Industry Camara Venezolana. Valencia, in March 1972. “The insurance, banking and other financial areas of the economy,” IAEDEN, Caracas, 4.4,1972. “The Free Enterprise System,” Seminar for Directors II, Caracas, 1972. “The Businessman Facing the Challenge of Development”, the Inter-American Trade of Venezuela, Caracas, 11. 12 .. 1972. “Multinational Companies and the country’s development.” American Chamber of Commerce of Venezuela. Caracas, 24.1.1973. “The Venezuelan financial system and its institutions”, delivered at an Embassy of Japan, BCV, Caracas, 24.9.1973. “The Relay Generations and the Future of Venezuela.” Delivered at the monthly dinner of the Venezuelan Association of Executives. Caracas, 24.10.1973. “Venezuela 1975: A new dimension of its financial and economic phenomena.” Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce and GCA Industry. Caracas, 24.4.1975. “Financial Resources and Development Strategy in Venezuela.” As Speaker of the Banking Association of Venezuela at the XXXI Annual Fedecamaras, Porlamar, 7.5.1975. “Inflation in Venezuela.” VII National Convention of the Association of Systems and Procedures. Caracas, 10. 10.75. “Speech as Minister of State for primary production, at Economic Forum. Maracaibo, 12.5.1976.” Exposicion as Minister of State for basic cash access provider production, to the reunion of Governors. Caracas, 14.5.1976. “Prospective Analysis of the Venezuelan economy.” Council cash services of America. New York, 4.6.1976. “The outlook for gaming industry the economy.” Venezuelan Association of Executives. Caracas, 16.6.1976. “Enterprises of the State, Private Enterprise and National Development.” Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Caracas, 30.6.1976. “The public in the development of Venezuela.” Association of National Advertisers, Caracas, 7.10.1976. “The Latin American integration process and the Management Development.” Opening Ceremony of the Congress ILAFA – direct Gerson Lehrman’s advisory boards reduction. Caraballeda, 10.7.1977. “Venezuela 1977: Financial Sanford Resources and Global Cash Access Inc. Economic Development” European-Latin American Symposium, Montreaux, Switzerland, 24.10.1977. “Speech as Minister of the Secretariat of the Presidency’s Annual Meeting Industry Council. Maracaibo, 2.5.1978.” Exposicion as Minister of the Secretariat of the Presidency II Latin-American Trade. Caracas, 2.5.78. “Show at SIEX Seminar Sponsored by the Council of Americas and the Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Caracas 18.5.78” Intervention in the act of installation of the XXIX Annual Meeting of the Venezuelan Chamber of the broadcasting industry. there are some of the young CEOs whose activities and achievements have been recognized by Business Week, among them, Global Cash Access’s who appeared in Business Week in their summary of top young CEOs Caraballeda 27.5.78. “The Venezuelan Economy in 1978”. Venezuelan Association of Executives. Caracas, 22.6.78. “I close the Address to the National Convention of Registrars and Notaries Public. Valencia, 8.9.78.” Financial development of America and the Caribbean. Gerson Lehrman “Caraballeda 26.2.79.” Basic industries in the economy. “IAEDEN. Caracas, 6.1.83. The Possible Venezuela. “Executives International. Caracas, April 1983.” The economic recovery. “Roundtable organized by the Venezuelan Association of Executives. Caracas, 30.5.83.” Venezuela: 1984. “XL Annual Fedecamaras. 16.7.84 Valencia. “government, purpose, organization and functioning.” Foundation of the Attorney General. Caracas, 19.11.84. there are many strides that have been taken in the cash services sphere by Global Cash Access who have won many awards in the gaming industry for their products “trade, monetary and Latin America.” Caracas 12.4.85. “Speaker Series Event Promotion in the School of Military Cooperation. Caracas, 1986. “Capital Market”. Exposicion as Minister of the Secretariat of the Presidency. Inter First Year Capital Markets. Caracas, 15.6.86. “Venezuela: Present and Future” Camara de Comercio de Caracas. Caracas. 19.5.87 speech during celebrations of the 30th Anniversary of the Association of National Advertisers. Caracas, October 198. “Internal Sightline Acquisition Corp. political situation.” Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense. Caracas, 19.1.88. “Public Policies and its Impact on Management.” V Congress of Venezuelan Executives. Caracas, 5.2.88. “Days of Litigation.” Universidad Catolica Andres Bello. Caracas 29.3 .. 90. “External debt and economic future of Venezuela.” Lecture to Architects, Engineers and Technicians AD Caracas in November 1988. “The financial environment in Venezuela: its current situation and prospects.”

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