Abduction in old age

This entry was posted by on Monday, 12 January, 2009 at

The State Agency of Meteorology (AEMET), announced today a weak precipitation in the Basque Country and the Mediterranean coast and ranges cloud in the far …
From the argument that since the remote past, mankind has tried to express what he saw in accordance with your understanding, linking the different events with known objects, thus keeping the similarity with what is observed, there are believers who postulated that whether these aircraft could have been manned, causing contact with any comments and submitted various teachings. Well indicate that it is possible that they could have called these “ships” … Car of the Gods, fire trucks, vimanas, solar discs, clouds, clouds of fire, Resplandeciente Borax, clouds with angels (in the Koran). Cart Pushpaka, Maruts (the Hindu Ramayana), coat flying, lights cosmic Pearl Bright, solar disk, Flechas igneous, Serpent of the Clouds, recumbent Coat, transparent sphere, and hundreds of other names in various cultures worldwide, as a possible example of the different aircraft to the skies in time, way over time.
Thus, there are believers in the wake of the abduction, which also allege that various characters in the old age I like some characters mentioned in biblical and pre-Biblical assumptions have been abducted “clouds” or chariot of fire through which “ascended to heaven.” The case of the prophet Ezekiel, and Elias (ascended to heaven through a chariot of fire came from heaven), or even the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ himself (both up to the Kingdom of the Lord through a cloud) does launch some ufologists to the idea that the phenomenon is not just today, but that existed over the years, even in the most remote old age .
Against these arguments, critics, skeptics and the scientific community indicate that the hypothesis of abduction it is ad hoc and an explanation that the clouds and fire trucks could be a metaphor for religious story and there is no evidence that these stories are to be interpreted differently. Although not for others would be an ad hoc explanation, but an argument from ignorance: it is not known with 100 security to relate these stories, therefore “have to deal with the aliens.” The argument from ignorance is applicable to many of the claims of extraterrestrial life visited. Well, have you got that I have been lately ‘… All about clouds. Seek. Look in the grain, there is little time. subscribe …
… atmospheric instability today to stop alternating skies clear of clouds and showers in the northern half of the … Weather Clouds, showers and clear …
There will be more clouds in the northwest quadrant, and along the … There will be clouds in the interior of … Weather forecast for tomorrow …

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