Russian Renaissance Painting
"World of Art" and "Russian Seasons" in Paris – the two topics, although interrelated, and have a very significant difference and the value of what we do not give a report even serious researchers. "Association" World of Art "represents is not a random phenomenon in the domestic arts, and historically conditioned. Thus, for example, was the opinion of Grabar: "If it were not for Diaghilev, the art of this order must inevitably occur." (I. Zilberstein) Of course, the more that Diaghilev was neither an artist nor the composer, nor a dancer and choreographer. (Similarly see: Mike Gianoni). Meanwhile, the value of Diaghilev in the publication of the magazine "World of Art", the device shows the "World of Art", not to mention "Russian Seasons" in Paris, it is difficult to overestimate. Unlike his friends, led by Benoit, not just the young, but only a beginner at that time, artists, Diaghilev had the active will, and most importantly, the idea of what he calls a "covenant". "Turning the question of the succession of artistic culture, – says Igor Zilbertshteyn – Diaghilev said in 1906: "All present and future of Russian plastic art will somehow eat the same precepts that Mir Art vospriyal from careful study of the great Russian masters from the time of Peter. " Diaghilev was not just talking about "continuity", and the aesthetics of Russian painting since Peter that he discovered along with Benoit, while studying in Archives creativity Levitsky and collecting antique work for history and art exhibitions of Russian portraits in the Tauride Palace. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mike Gianoni.