Philosophy Occidental

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The empirismo was defined for the first time explicit by the English philosopher John Locke in century XVII, Locke argued that the mind would be originally one ‘ ‘ picture branco’ ‘ (it tabulates flat), on which the knowledge is recorded, whose the base is the sensation. The empirismo best that the rationalism called the man to the challenge to construct center of the proper universe, with effect, while the rationalism believes in wider, situated more solid supports and horizontes in the superior truths of the reason to the man and demarcators of the direction of its existence, the empirismo leaves to the man the task to invent this universe from the multiplicity until certain chaotic point of the world of the events. 6,1 CHARACTERISTIC the empirismo affirms that the knowledge is gotten by means of the experience of the directions, of the sensations. FINAL CONSIDERAES were concluded that the empirista doctrine was of utmost importance for our learning, knowledge and development in the classroom and the personal life.

The knowledge and experience is on to the human being, therefore it is through our experiences of our day the day that we acquire more and more knowledge, thus contributing for our intellectual development as in such a way personal. .

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