Organizacional Behavior

This entry was posted by on Thursday, 8 December, 2016 at

PREFACE Through this work, we intend to evaluate the organizacional behavior of the Company Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) and of its employees as inserted individuals in this context. Considering the great amount of employee that is distributed in about 400 functional units spread by all the state and still, considering the proposal of the study, we focamos the research in the Headquarters of the company, in Porto Alegre, with approximately 700 employees, more specifically in the SURH? Supervision of Human resources subordinated the DAFRI? Administrative, Financial direction and of Relations with the Investor. The choice of the focus in this Supervision was not random, therefore we perceive that when analyzing the organizacional behavior for half RH of the company, estarmos observing the employees of two forms: as executors and representatives of the lines of direction of the company in what it says respect to the management of human resources and as employee citizens to these lines of direction. The research was carried through through comments and of interviews the employees, of the reading of normative and through the proper site of the company in the Internet. 1? CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ORGANIZATION: Name: Company Riograndense de Saneamento? CORSAN Company of mixing economy tied to the State Secretariat of the Habitation and 5000 employees more than operating Sanitation with in the area of basic sanitation through the water treatment and of the sanitary exhaustion. Its customers are the city halls, that for the Federal Constitution, the responsibility has to promote the sanitation.

Amongst the main customers the cities of Canoes are distinguished, Passo Fundo, Gravata, Saint Maria and Rio Grande. The HEADQUARTERS of the company are situated in the Center of Porto Alegre, in the Street Caldas Jnior, 120, although the company not to possess operas in the Capital. The basic sanitation, as business, does not propitiate the direct competition, therefore currently only one company acts in each city.

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