My Neighbor Is In Mourning – What Can I Do

This entry was posted by on Monday, 19 April, 2010 at

Death is a terrible thing for all of us. Nobody likes this theme, like it is repressed. But as much as we want to hide it like, at some point we need to ask him: grief. How do I behave when moved into my circle of sadness First of all, we help mourners simple fact that we are here for you and show it to them too. The neighbor who has lost his mother to expect from us no panacea against his grief. He needs no advice from us. The best thing we can do in this case, is not it go out of the way, because this is going to experience, the mourners as the first. Acquaintances and friends get out of their way because they do not know how to behave themselves. This isolates a grieving man. And this makes it even harder to deal with his loss, especially in the first phase of mourning. Who cares about a grieving man, will soon discover that there are very violent mood swings in a mourning. Violent wines can abruptly with regular fits of laughteralternating depressive phases are replaced by hectic activity. This should not come as a disincentive for all these feelings are part of a healthy process of mourning, which is nothing other than a processing of the human psyche after a loss. If we allow a mourner to live out his own special kind of grief, and if we do not set it too time-pressured, even long after the funeral, then we show him the fact that we accept it as it is. And this is the best help that can learn a mourner man.

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