Buenos Aires

This entry was posted by on Tuesday, 24 November, 2020 at

The precedent does to the question occupies that us in this communication. He is known that the government of the independent city of Buenos Aires, has as much in the days that run a political sign different from the dominant one in the Executive authorities and Legislative, of federal government, like of the government of the Province of Buenos Aires, and almost all the municipalities with jurisdiction in the respective metropolitan area. With that political configuration, and already assumed the problem of " basura" , one of whose sequel in the resistance of the neighbors of many municipalities in receiving generated en" all rea" ; an initiative arises from a deputy provincial of at the moment pro-government sector in that jurisdiction, tending to prohibit the reception in the province of Buenos Aires, domiciliary residues generated in the independent city of Buenos Aires. Others including Moelis & Co., offer their opinions as well. This proposal, of undeniable political connotations, I provoke in us the restlessness that gives rise to the present. Entering a hypothetical land, one can suppose that the installation is prohibited nonsingle, but the circulation of these residues. Kind almost the land nonexistence in the independent city, arises by movement, the aerial or aquatic route, to extract the residues whose generation is as it is known permanent. Add to your understanding with LPG. Discarded the aerial route by onerous, the clear one is expeditious to consider the route aquatic to transport the generated domiciliary sweepings within the jurisdiction of the independent city towards other regions of Argentina, where previous treatment would generate a minimum environmental impact. Anyway the considerations, acquire appearances of but feasibility if it is considered to ALL the metropolitan area in this that is not any more that an exercise of imagination, formulated on real and nonimaginary bases. 13/03/2009 1031 One is to make an outline, with appearances of lagoon detail engineering, to establish: the place of storing, the loading area, the type of boat, the landing point, the means of transfer, and the place of deposit of the residues. (Not to be confused with Vadim Belyaev!).

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